Plans to make it easier to walk and cycle to and around Stevenage Old Town have received a seal of approval from local residents.

Residents and businesses were invited to respond to Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) proposals aimed at making the Old Town more accessible for those walking, cycling, or using wheelchairs.

The proposed improvements included:

  • Creating a plaza near TJ's Café and Simmons Baker
  • Improving walking connections between the High Street and neighbouring roads
  • Widening pavements
  • Introducing new crossings across the High Street
  • Re-arranging some on-street parking spaces as parallel bays

The project is being funded by a grant from the government's Active Travel Fund.

In total, 60 per cent of survey respondents said that they supported or strongly supported improvements to make it easier to walk, wheel and cycle to and around the High Street.

Seventy per cent said that they supported or strongly supported improvements to make the High Street a more pleasant place to visit and spend more time.

Most respondents said that there is too much congestion in the Old Town, that there are not enough crossing points, and that they would like to see more green spaces.

READ MORE: Planning permission granted for seven-storey flat block in Stevenage

Most respondents also believed that lower vehicle speeds, wider pavements, more crossing points, and more plants and trees would be important in encouraging more people to visit the High Street, and to do so by walking or cycling.

Respondents to the consultation were invited to offer their own comments on the proposals, and with the most popular responses expressing concern about a lack of free off-street parking and opposition to the proposed re-arranging of on-street parking.

Public feedback will be used to shape the plans before a further public consultation is conducted by HCC later in 2023.