Two multi-storey garage blocks in Stevenage will be demolished and 96 flats will be built on the site, after planning permission was granted for the development last week.

The two-tier garage compound at Brent Court in Silam Road will be knocked down and replaced with a seven-storey building containing 63 one-bed and 33 two-bed independent living apartments for older people.

Stevenage Borough Council is behind the scheme, and says it "will provide an opportunity for our older residents within Stevenage to downsize to high-quality supported housing, freeing up much-needed two, three and four-bed council properties for families in housing need".

A two-tier parking compound will be provided beneath the building.


An internal review of the council's independent living stock resulted in "a large number being identified as unfit for modern living", the design and access statement accompanying the planning application says.

"This application seeks to replace the existing units which are being removed, and provide a net gain."

In this regard, 32 units at Asquith Court and 40 units at Walpole Court will be, or have already been, removed from stock. The Silam Road development, along with 88 new units at Walpole Court, will provide 184 new units - a net gain of 112 assisted living apartments.

The design and access statement says: "The impact the scheme will have on neighbouring properties has been carefully considered and the mitigation of this impact has been designed to contribute to create a safer place for residents and neighbours."

The council's Planning and Development Committee granted planning permission at a meeting last week.