A recent Ofsted inspection of Knights Templar School in Baldock has found that it continues to be a 'good' school.

The education inspectorate visited the school over two days in April this year, with the report published last week.

Ofsted inspectors praised the "calm and orderly environment" created at the school, saying that pupils "are happy, feel safe and are safe", with staff having "high expectations" of their behaviour.

Inspectors also commented on the kindness and desire to succeed shown by pupils, while the wide range of available extra-curricular activities was also picked out as a "strong feature of the school".

The work put in by teachers at the school was also commented on by inspectors, with a "well planned and sequenced" curriculum, priority given to reading, and effective adaptation of planning and teaching for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Safeguarding arrangements were found to be "effective", with "clear and rigorous" systems in place for raising and acting on any concerns.

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Two areas were picked out for possible improvement. Inspectors noted that "in some subjects, leaders and teachers do not routinely use assessment well to identify what pupils know and can do" and "leaders have not created a fully coherent programme of wider personal development at key stage five".

Edward Hutchings, headteacher of Knights Templar School, said: "Ofsted have recognised the extremely positive features of our school.

"They saw what I know, that our school is a vibrant and successful school at the heart of the community with high expectations and a reputation for academic excellence.

"Central to everything we do is the school’s motto ‘Courage and Courtesy’.

"As a school we recognise the importance of developing and providing all our students with the courage, confidence and communication skills they require to flourish and succeed, but also to promote traditional values of courtesy, respect and good discipline.

"I was really pleased that Ofsted recognised this. We pride ourselves on giving our students a well-rounded education that prepares them for their future.

"We know that students flourish if they lead rich and varied lives and we are immensely proud of our exciting and wide ranging curricular and extra-curricular provision."