A Stevenage writer has recently published a new children’s book ‘The Creatures’, which aims to tell a “story that will make a difference”.

Sarah Kempster, a graduate of the University of Hertfordshire - had previously written for online magazines, reviewed media work and created her own websites.

Her next chapter follows the story of young Cara, who meets an odd-looking creature in the lane, something with fluff and huge eyes, which cries when they meet.

Cara takes his hand and is transported into the magical burrow where he and the other live - and need her help to save them.

Sarah said: "I hope the story allows space for adults to discuss with children how their behaviour impacts the world around them.

"But also how adults' behaviours can also impact children around them."

Sarah works full time and writes in her spare time, with the ambition to always tell a story that will make a difference.