For the community to get together was one of the findings of the Parish Plan Survey. The Unity Focus Group has gathered together a Knebworth Village Festival Group plan an amazing week-end of community events, many of them free. So keep the weekend of Jun

For the community to get together was one of the findings of the Parish Plan Survey. The Unity Focus Group has gathered together a Knebworth Village Festival Group plan an amazing week-end of community events, many of them free. So keep the weekend of June 30 to July 2 free. As ever with these things, weekend is a slight misnomer. The action kicks off with a Midsummer Mini Fête on Saturday, June 24 on St Martin's Green, sports, jazz on the green, picnic in the park, a talk on the history of Knebworth and guided walk around the historic spots, opera pops and drama are all on the programme for the week-end proper. Stop press news which will not have made the Parish News is that the two village drama groups, KATS and Knebworth Players are joining forces for the Drama evening in the Village Hall on Saturday, July 1. Other hot news is that energetic Festival fans who do not want to miss out on anything will be able to get a reduced season ticket covering all three ticketed events.