A STEVENAGE woman whose weight spiralled out of control as a result of post natal depression, lost eight stone and the same number of dress sizes after deciding that “enough was enough”.

Carol Hopkins, 49, of Cameron Close in Chells, went from 19 stone to 11 stone, and from a size 26 to a svelte 12-14 in two years. She put her success down to allowing herself occasional treats and not dramatically changing her lifestyle.

“I probably could have lost the weight in less time, but I think it’s easier to keep motivated if you allow yourself a treat,” said Carol, who attended Timebridge Slimming World.

“I still allowed myself to go out but would be wary of what I drank. I still allowed myself a takeaway but was careful of what I chose. Life would be much more boring otherwise.

“I did change my pattern of eating. I ate a lot more fruit and veg and started to exercise. I enjoy going out for walks now, and on Boxing Day, I went out for a couple of hours. I never would have used to have done that.”

Carol has since started up her own slimming group, and was shortlisted for district slimmer of the year. But she said that getting to where she is now was not easy.

“The more weight I put on, the more depressed I became, and then I’d eat more. It’s a vicious circle,” said Carol.

“It got the stage where I went to Ireland for a wedding and was very close to needing an extension belt for my seat. I told myself that was ridiculous.

“When I went to the doctors, I was told my blood pressure was high, and that I needed to lose weight. I remember thinking, where do I start? It seemed an impossible task. It took me a few weeks to get to grips with it.

“I got lots of support from my family, work colleagues and friends, but I don’t think they thought I was going to do it.”

Carol allowed herself four days break over the Christmas period, and will continue to go to slimming classes for the foreseeable future.

Her blood pressure has dropped from being dangerously high, to a very good level for her age.

“I used to have to stop halfway up the stairs and take a break,” said Carol.

“When I got to the top, I could hardly breathe. But now, I can go up in leaps and bounds.”