A far-right activist who took a noose to London’s Brexit protest on Sunday reportedly said Theresa May deserves to be hanged for betraying Britain.

Laukan Creasey, from Stevenage, arrived at the demonstration against the Prime Minister’s deal with his own rope and make-shift gallows.

He told national press: “That’s what the traitor May deserves. That’s what treasonous people get.

“They promised to implement whatever we decided and they haven’t.”

Controversial right-wing figure Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, led the march down Park Lane and Parliament to Whitehall after he was appointed as an adviser to Ukip last month.

Labour Party supporters marched through Trafalgar Square to protest against Robinson, with Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell saying: “It doesn’t matter whether you voted leave or remain, Tommy Robinson doesn’t represent you.”