A man left paralysed at the age of 24 after a horrific motorcycle accident is dedicated to raising money for research into finding a cure for spinal cord injury in the hope he will one day be able to walk again.

The Comet: Dean Pitcher was left paralysed after a motorbike accident and is dedicated to raising money for research into finding a cure for spinal cord injuries.Dean Pitcher was left paralysed after a motorbike accident and is dedicated to raising money for research into finding a cure for spinal cord injuries. (Image: Archant)

In 2009, Dean Pitcher had a motorbike accident and very nearly died. He broke his neck in three places, his back in five places and sustained a spinal cord injury.

The 30-year-old from Stevenage said: “I was pronounced dead at the scene but managed to survive. Doctors told my parents I would be lucky to live and, if I did, it was likely I would be severely brain damaged due to a brain injury I sustained.”

Dean will be taking part in the Wings for Life World Run in his wheelchair in Cambridge on Sunday.

This will be the third year he has taken part in the fundraising event, and has so far raised more than £4,000 for Wings for Life – a spinal cord research charity.

Dean said: “When science finds the cure, people in my position will be able to walk again. It would also mean we’d get back sensation below our line of injury, giving us back the ability to control our bladder or bowel.

“The cure would rescue us from the devastating effects of a spinal cord injury.”

The Wings for Life World Run has no finish line. Runners in 34 locations worldwide start at exactly the same time and run for as long as they can.

A ‘catcher car’ starts 30 minutes after the race begins and speeds up slowly until everyone is overtaken and eliminated.

Dean, who will be supported on the day by his family, including wife Laura and two-year-old daughter Emmie, says he hopes to reach 11km before he is overtaken.

To sponsor Dean, visit wingsforlifeworldrun.com and search for Dean Pitcher under the ‘raise money’ heading.