Saturday 9.30am Morning prayer, church open 10 - noon Evening prayer at 5pm. Sunday Holy Communion at 8am, at 9.30am special Ice Cream Service (no communion at Baldock), Evensong at 6pm at Weston. On Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8.40am, Holy Communion at 9

Saturday 9.30am Morning prayer, church open 10 - noon Evening prayer at 5pm. Sunday Holy Communion at 8am, at 9.30am special Ice Cream Service (no communion at Baldock), Evensong at 6pm at Weston. On Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8.40am, Holy Communion at 9.30am and Tiny Tots sing-along at 10.30am. The church is open on Mondays from noon to 1.30pm. Hall Coffee bar and shop open on Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 to noon.