LOCALS are being given the chance to voice their opinions on the Churchgate development, at a meeting hosted by the Churchgate Liaison Forum (CLF) on Wednesday.

As well as the opportunity to speak to representatives from the contracted developers Simons, members of the council will be on hand to answer questions.

The plans to redevelop Hitchin has caused controversy amongst locals, with many voicing concerns at the last CLF meeting about the relocation of the market and changes to the views of St Mary’s church. Parking, traffic, and architectural design were also cited as potential problems.

In July, feedback from questionnaires showed that 57.6% of locals were against plans, with just 19.6% agreeing with them.

The meeting, which is to be held at Church House, Churchyard, will consist of an open discussion starting at 6.30pm, where the public will be given the opportunity to give their views and ask questions, followed by a full Church Liaison Forum (CLF) meeting an hour later.