Plans for up to 120 new homes in Letchworth Garden City have been approved.

North Herts Council's Planning Control Committee has granted planning permission for Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation to build up to 120 homes east of Kristiansand Way and Talbot Way.

The development, known as LG3, will include 40 per cent affordable housing and new open space.

A spokesperson for the Heritage Foundation said the development will "incorporate upgrades to the adjacent footpath, a new rear pedestrian access to Norton St Nicholas School, and improvements to the adjoining allotments and the recycling centre".


She said: "There will also be investment in local footpaths, to make it easier and safer for new and existing residents, bus stops, the Baldock to Letchworth cycle route, cycle links between northern Letchworth and the town centre by bike, and cycle parking at Letchworth station."

The resolution was passed by the planning control committee following a lively discussion about the merits of the development, with a strong focus on sustainable travel.

Some representations were made at the meeting which questioned the sustainability attributes, particularly relating to travel, but ultimately the resolution was passed, subject to a Section 106 agreement which incorporates a range of financial contributions including off site transport improvements. 

David Ames, executive director for development at the Heritage Foundation, said: "We’re pleased to be moving this project along to provide much-needed housing, including local affordable provision. 


"Sustainable travel was a hot topic at the council meeting, and we are pleased to be able to work with the county council to deliver improvements and make financial contributions to encourage walking and cycling.

"We look forward to finding a partner to deliver a sustainable, accessible and future-proofed development that builds on the great garden city legacy, of which we are the proud custodians."

A council report said: "It is considered that there would not be significant harm to the character and appearance of the area," and that "there should not be a significant adverse impact upon the living conditions of occupiers of nearby residential properties. Effects in terms of outlook, privacy and overshadowing will be considered at the reserved matters stage."

You can keep up to date with the latest on the LG3 development at