Joanne Pond welcomed 49 members and 2 visitors recently to their meeting at the Church Hall. It was agreed to donate £100 to The Crew a Clifton Youth Group. Langford Ivel WI has invited members of the Clifton group to join them on an evening coach trip to

Joanne Pond welcomed 49 members and 2 visitors recently to their meeting at the Church Hall. It was agreed to donate £100 to The Crew a Clifton Youth Group. Langford Ivel WI has invited members of the Clifton group to join them on an evening coach trip to Stevington Gardens in June. Irene Chowles gave a most entertaining and enjoyable evening for members with her topic The Dolls House. Finally, a vote of thanks was given by Margaret Gorringe. Tea Hostesses were Sylvia Gumm and Joyce Smith. The competition was won by Muriel Webster, with Audrey Steeds second and Mary Clark third. The next meeting is on Wednesday, May 3. Enquiries: telephone Iris Smyrk 01462 812164