Clairvoyant Evening: I cannot make my mind up on mediumship and clairvoyance - half of me says that it is a lot of twaddle and the other half believes that you can communicate with the other side. Find out for yourself by going to see Stephen Holbrook, a

Clairvoyant Evening: I cannot make my mind up on mediumship and clairvoyance - half of me says that it is a lot of twaddle and the other half believes that you can communicate with the other side. Find out for yourself by going to see Stephen Holbrook, apparently one of Britain's most gifted mediums, at the Plinston, on Thursday, September 14. Doors open 7pm, starts at 7.30pm - Tickets £12 from the Plinston or ring the Box Office on 672003. By the way, doesn't the Plinston's main hall look rather splendid after its makeover!