A Slimming World star from Welwyn Garden City is set to run the London Marathon this Sunday in memory of her daughter.

After losing more than two stone with Slimming World Online, Hayley Costa is now representing the weight loss group in their 17-strong official marathon team, which is helping to raise money for official charity partners Cancer Research UK, the Irish Cancer Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.

They are causes close to her heart, with Hayley having lost her four-year-old daughter to cancer.

"I will be running in aid of Cancer Research UK as part of Slimming World’s team," she said.

"It’s a charity incredibly close to my heart as we lost our daughter in 2009 to rhabdoid, an aggressive form of cancer, when she was only four years old.

"If I can help prevent another family go through what we did, I’ll be happy."

As for running the London Marathon, the 56-year-old revealed it had been a long-term goal of hers.

"I used to run quite regularly, but lost motivation after having nothing to aim toward," she said. 

"Body Magic inspired me to do the Couch to 5k programme and I loved how it allows you to repeat sessions if you don’t feel quite ready to move onto the next run. This meant I could build up my confidence and stamina at my own pace and without pressure.

"When I realised that I could track my steps and activity on the Slimming World app, I started to feel a real sense of achievement.

"Running the London Marathon has been a goal of mine for years and I’m so excited to take on the challenge."

The 56-year-old chef admitted that being surrounded by food was the cause of her weight gain, but was full of praise for Slimming World and the support they have provided.

"Looking back, I used my profession as an excuse for being overweight," she said.

"My weight affected me emotionally more than anything. My confidence was at an all-time low, and I didn’t want to see anyone as I thought everyone around me would look so much better than me.

"My final straw that led me to join Slimming World Online was seeing myself in pictures from a wedding that my husband and I attended. He had recently been working hard at the gym and was feeling fit and looking amazing. I, on the other hand, felt I looked huge next to him, and I knew I had to do something about it.

"I opted for the online membership as it suits my busy lifestyle – with unpredictable work patterns and not always knowing when I’ll leave work, it was important I found something that could work around this.

"The Slimming World app has all the support I need at my fingertips – I love to look through and save recipes to try. My go-to meal is Slimming World burger and chips. I was amazed at how I can still eat my favourite meals without hindering my weight loss."

To donate to Hayley and the Slimming World Marathon Team, visit justgiving.com/campaign/sw-londonmarathon2024.