A stray cat in Hitchin, who had a bijou property designed and built for it by an award-winning construction company, has now been adopted by a couple.

The ginger feline, given the name Wilbury, first turned up at Willmott Dixon's office in Hitchin two years ago, and started hanging around.

Yesterday, the Comet reported how, with this year's cold winter, Nick Claessen, the company's senior operations manager, had designed and built Wilbury a bespoke home with the help of his wife and children.

Now, we can happily report that Wilbury has a forever home with a couple who fell in love with him.

The Comet: Wilbury has landed on his feet!Wilbury has landed on his feet! (Image: Abigail Simms)

Abigail Simms, Willmott Dixon's supply chain coordinator, explained: "Wilbury, aka Wilbo-Bilbo, is now owned by my nan and grandad. He is very much loved."

Abigail's grandparents had agreed to temporarily look after Wilbury, after he had had a wound treated by a vet, with the treatment paid for by Cats Protection.

"The charity Alma and Makko’s Furry Friends were going to take him after his recovery period at my nan and grandad's house," Abigail explained.

"However, in less than 24 hours, I got a phone call from my grandad, who said to let the charity know he is staying on a permanent basis. This made me so happy!

"Wilbury has now been litter trained and is having a lot of cuddles, including sitting on my daughter's lap.

The Comet: Abigail's daughter enjoys cuddles with Wilbury.Abigail's daughter enjoys cuddles with Wilbury. (Image: Abigail Simms)

"He is loving life in his new home. We are a family of cat lovers, so he's in the right place!"

She added: "I can’t thank Alma and Makko’s Furry Friends enough for their advice.

"Anyone who wants to support this wonderful charity, they currently have a Go Fund Me page, trying to help another cat in need. Please visit gofundme.com/teddys-lifesaving-treatment-for-bladder-blockage to make a donation."