A church in Hitchin is now offering to marry same sex couples, extending "a warm welcome" following "a series of discussions" as a community.

Christchurch Hitchin on Bedford Road is jointly run by the Methodist and United Reformed churches, both of which have approved same sex marriages nationally - the Methodist Church in 2021 and the United Reformed Church in 2016.

"Following those decisions, the members at Christchurch held a series of discussions before agreeing to welcome same sex marriages on the premises," explained Reverend Val Reid, the minister in charge of the church.

She said: "Just outside the front door of Christchurch is a big green board that says ‘Everyone Welcome’. Over the last couple of years, the whole church community has been exploring what this means for us and for Hitchin.

"Within the church, there are a wide range of views on same sex relationships, but we have committed to listening carefully to people who think differently, and to living generously even when we disagree.

"The church voted overwhelmingly to register to conduct same sex marriages, and anyone wanting to get married here will find a warm welcome.


"At the heart of our understanding of God is a love that welcomes and embraces everyone.

"Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and be part of our journey."