An outline planning application has been submitted to build 900 new homes on land to the north of Stevenage.

The planning application refers to the proposed development as an "extension to Stevenage", though it falls under the area covered by North Herts Council rather than Stevenage Borough Council.

The site is just south of Graveley and directly to the north of the controversial Forster Country development that is currently being built by Bellway Homes and Miller Homes.

Plans for the new site have been drawn up by developer Croudace Homes, and are part of the North Herts Local Plan for 2011-2031, which allocated sites for the 11,600 new homes deemed necessary across that period.

The application includes 2,000 square metres of community facilities, multiple children's play areas, and open space. Road access would be via a new junction on North Road - located 100m south of the existing junction between North Road and Graveley Road - and through the current Forster Country development.

A new two-form entry primary school is included in the plans - the Bellway/Miller development also includes a primary school - but no new secondary school.

The North Herts Local Plan requires the site to provide two-form entry primary school provision "either wholly within the site or in conjunction with the adjoining land allocated for development in Stevenage Borough".

The application does not include any plans for additional healthcare facilities.

If the development goes ahead, it will significantly reduce the amount of open space between Stevenage and Graveley. The site is bordered on the north by Graveley Cricket Club, on the east by Chesfield Park and the proposed Forster Country Park, and on the west by North Road.

The site also requires a Strategic Masterplan to be produced. According to the application, this is now at "an advanced stage" and "is expected to be endorsed by members [of North Herts Council] at future Cabinet and Full Council meetings in the near future". It expects this to happen in "early 2024".