Pinehill Hospital in Hitchin, part of Ramsay Health Care, is able to offer men suffering from a benign enlarged prostate robotic Aquablation therapy.

It is estimated that one in two men aged 51-60 have lower urinary tract symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and 99 per cent of men say BPH impacts their quality of life.

Historically, the procedures available for the treatment of this condition, while providing effective symptom relief, may have recognised complications such as incontinence, erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction.

Aquablation therapy is a highly advanced robotic technology that uses a heat-free waterjet and imaging to provide effective symptom relief of BPH.

Clinical studies have shown that Aquablation Therapy offers long-lasting symptom relief and low complication rates, regardless of prostate size or shape.

Professor Nikhil Vasdev, consultant urological and robotic surgeon at Pinehill Hospital - and one of the first consultants to treat patients for BPH using ‘PROCEPT BioRobotics’ technology - said: "Aquablation therapy is a game changer for patients with enlarged prostates.

"The use of robotic technology improves the precision of benign prostate surgery whilst significantly reduces the risk of sexual function and continence."

Duncan Barton, hospital director at Pinehill said added: "We are proud and delighted to be able to offer this new minimally invasive robotic surgery to our patients.

"Supporting our local community for their healthcare requirements is of absolute importance to us, as recognised in our company ethos of 'people caring for people'."