A man has been found guilty of attempted murder after a shooting at the Our Mutual Friend pub in Stevenage on New Year's Eve.

Liam Campbell, 25, of Rockingham Way, Stevenage, was found guilty of attempted murder, and pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm and ammunition and ABH, at St Albans Crown Court on Tuesday.

Charlie Kettle, also 25, of Pembridge Gardens, Stevenage, was found guilty of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

Both men will be sentenced on September 8, at St Albans Crown Court.

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On Saturday, December 31, 2022, Kettle and Campbell had been drinking inside Our Mutual Friend pub when they became involved in an altercation with two men and a woman.

Campbell threw a glass which hit the woman, before another altercation took place outside the pub, in which he was seen firing a gun at the men twice, before fleeing the scene with Kettle.

In the hours following the incident, police raided a number of properties in Stevenage, and after further warrants were issued outside of the town, Kettle was arrested at an address in Suffolk, and Campbell at an address in Welwyn Garden City.

Both men were charged and remanded into custody, while drugs and drug paraphernalia were also seized along with laptops and mobile phones.

These now form part of an ongoing investigation into gang and drug related crime in Stevenage.

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"We will not tolerate the carrying and use of unlicensed firearms in this town," said DC Chris Jones, the officer in charge of the case.

"Luckily no one was injured as a result of this incident, but there was a clear intent to cause harm and in a public place on one of the busiest times of the year, where local residents were celebrating New Year’s Eve.

"I hope this sends a very clear message to those whose lifestyle involves the carrying and use of weapons, that you are not welcome in Stevenage, and we will do everything we can to make sure we keep you off our streets."

Detective Inspector Nick Rega added: "This was an excellent result following a very challenging investigation and a testament to the hard work of the officers involved that we were able to secure an attempted murder conviction, along with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and other offences."