Nadine Dorries, Conservative MP for Mid Bedfordshire, is in trouble with the cross-party Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee. 

A new report by the committee suggests that claims made to them by Dorries earlier this year were untrue. 

Dorries made the claims at a meeting in May this year, when she was serving as culture secretary. She resigned from that role last month. 

Her controversial comments related to the 2010 Channel 4 documentary series Tower Block of Commons, where participants spent time living on deprived housing estates. 

Dorries said that some of those who featured in the programme were “actually actors”. The DCMS committee's report investigated these claims.

The report states: “We do not find either the original claims, or the clarifications to be credible and have seen no corroboration of her claims. 

“In contrast, the detailed investigation carried out by Channel 4 gives us confidence that her claims are groundless. 

“We are concerned Ms Dorries appears to have taken an opportunity, under the protection of privilege, to traduce the reputation of Channel 4.” 

At the time she made the claims, Dorries was hoping to bring forward legislation to privatise Channel 4. 

Dorries has been approached for comment.