When it comes to knowing how to look after your lawn, there’s a lot of information out there but how are you supposed to know which advice to follow?

The Comet: PlantGrow works well in any climate and can be used anytime. Picture: PlantGrowPlantGrow works well in any climate and can be used anytime. Picture: PlantGrow (Image: Archant)

We spoke to PlantGrow operations manager Daniel Suggitt to get to the root of the problem and help you take the best care of your lawn.

How can fertiliser benefit my lawn?

Using a fertiliser on your garden can enhance the growth and look of your garden.

"PlantGrow cares for everything in your garden - including the parts you can't see," said Daniel. "It improves the content of your soil, which in turn feeds your plants all the nutrients they need to look their best. Once you start to see the results, you'll want to get started on growing even more."

How do I find the right kind of fertiliser?

When you go to the garden centre there many types of fertiliser for you to choose from and knowing which one is best can be hard. You should use a water-soluble liquid solution for your lawn and choose an organic fertiliser, made from natural ingredients, that's safer for wildlife and better for the environment.

The Comet: PlantGrow contains micronutrients that improve the health of the soil . Picture: PlantGrowPlantGrow contains micronutrients that improve the health of the soil . Picture: PlantGrow (Image: Archant)

What does my grass need to grow well?

Most fertiliser labels give you a value for the amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus (NPK) contained in the mix. These are the main ingredients in any fertiliser, as they're all important for the health of your lawn and nitrogen is what gives your lawn its luscious green colouring.

What you may not know is that your lawn needs other minerals as well to survive.

The Comet: Using a fertiliser on your garden can enhance the growth and look of your garden. Picture: PlantGrowUsing a fertiliser on your garden can enhance the growth and look of your garden. Picture: PlantGrow (Image: Archant)

"PlantGrow contains micronutrients that improve the health of the soil by putting back the things that your lawn takes out which promotes better long term lawn growth and health," Daniel explained.

Can fertiliser kill my lawn?

Gardeners need to be careful when applying a chemical fertiliser. If you overfeed your lawn it could damage or kill the grass," said Daniel. "As PlantGrow is made only from plant material, there's no need for precision; your grass will stay safe."

Is fertiliser safe for my pets?

"Our organic fertiliser is made by breaking down local crops, meaning we know everything that goes in to every mix. PlantGrow is a vegan formula that's completely safe for wildlife, pets and children," said Daniel. "Just because some chemical fertilisers have a picture of a dog or a child on the label doesn't mean it's safe. You should always read the label and check the ingredients."

Chemical fertilisers can also be harmful to the environment. If they're over-used they can run off fields and lawns into nearby streams or rivers and pollute them.

"PlantGrow is a sustainably produced, renewable product that's kinder to our planet, cleaner for our air and better for wildlife," Daniel added.

When should I use PlantGrow?

PlantGrow works well in any climate and can be used anytime. For best results, Daniel recommends treating your grass with the liquid lawn feed straight after the first cut of the season.

"Apply it to your lawn two or three days after the first cut," Daniel said. "Applying the fertiliser fortnightly can work well, but generally we recommend PlantGrow to first-time gardeners because it's easy to use and doesn't need to abide by a strict routine to work."

Where can I buy organic liquid fertiliser?

Visit plantgrow.co.uk for a list of available stockists or call 01953 525 001 to find out where you can get your hands on PlantGrow fertiliser and unlock the secret to growing a gorgeous lawn.