BASICALLY, the film plays out like a moody, beautifully shot episode of Scooby Doo.

BASICALLY, the film plays out like a moody, beautifully shot episode of Scooby Doo.

Not that that is a bad thing, as the perfectly realised eerie setting of Shutter Island captures the imagination quickly and its mystery is intriguing.

The setting and photography are gorgeous, and the acting is sublime.

This is the closest Scorsese has come to ‘horror’ since Cape Fear and you can feel his enjoyment of the role.

If this had been made 30 years ago it would be a sure-fire classic. It has everything - it is very well made, looks and sounds great and has an intriguing mystery with a satisfying conclusion.

It would be a classic in 1960, but in 2010 it is just a ridiculously solid Scorsese/DiCaprio partnership.