SIR - Disagree with Louise? well to give you an idea on how much I disagree, it has taken me three days to calm down enough to put pen to paper. I very much doubt I am alone in writing to The Last Word Residents should Pay up and Shut up . How naive,

SIR - ''Disagree with Louise?'' well to give you an idea on how much I disagree, it has taken me three days to calm down enough to put pen to paper. I very much doubt I am alone in writing to 'The Last Word Residents should Pay up and Shut up'.

How naive, selfish, uncaring can someone be, a person who possibly still lives at home, paying no bills or she would have some idea on how this will affect a large amount of Stevenage residents. During a telephone conversation with a member of the VOA, I was told that the re-valuations are ongoing in the Chells Manor area.

VOA said ''A mistake has been made'', so if Louise had attended the public meeting she would have heard the avoidance of questions, contradictory answers by the VOA representatives. Not one person left that meeting with any confidence as to the running of the VOA.

So we should pay up and shut up. Can she please tell the majority of tenants where would we get this money to 'pay up?' Maybe miss a few dinners, have cold showers and let the utility bills pile up!! Work all weekend overtime (which the pensioners have not got the option of). Speak to them Louise and tell them pay up and shut up.

We personally have a legal document stating the value of our property in 1994, so are we not allowed to question our rights? This rise will take us to £176 per month, maybe she can tell us what we get for this? Anti-social behaviour, criminal damage, primary school education that provides teaching assistants for a large portion of the school day! Refuge collections where the recycling bins are just thrown anywhere, sorry a roll of black bags!


Hayfield Resident

SIR - I arrived home yesterday from a funeral abroad and was horrified to read the opinionated piece by Louise McEvoy on houses in Chells Manor.

I now live in the smallest house I have ever lived in, all previous houses have been in B and C, perhaps Louise would like to come and visit my 'large' house. The main bedroom has only just room to walk round the bed, there is very little storage space and I can touch both walls in the kitchen at the same time. The house is attached to two others by garages and is not detached. Perhaps Louise should get her facts correct before writing such a damning piece. The invitation to visit my bijou residence stands and I am sure some of my neighbours would like to meet her too. I would also like to demand an apology to us in this week's paper.


