We have loads of money to give away! Grants of up to £10,000 are available for local voluntary and community groups that support projects targeting people who face barriers to employment. The Key Fund is a European Social Fund initiative, backed by local

We have loads of money to give away! Grants of up to £10,000 are available for local voluntary and community groups that support projects targeting people who face barriers to employment. The Key Fund is a European Social Fund initiative, backed by local matching funders.

Who can the Key Fund help?

* Young people with low-level skills and/or no work experience

* People with physical, learning or sensory disabilities

* Minority ethnic communities and those for whom English is a second language

* People who may for any reason have been out of work for a considerable time

* Generally, projects must help Hertfordshire people of working age between 16 and 64.

A full list is included in our application pack.

Grants can be used for many purposes, as long as they help people to progress towards employment, or to become more employable. For example: Specific job-related training or support, such as childcare or IT, projects that build confidence or communication skills, volunteering opportunities. Community enterprises like co-ops, providing advice and information, however, grants cannot be made to individuals.

An example in the North Herts area includes a grant of £9,900 to the Black Squirrel Credit Union to enable them to cover the costs of training for their volunteers. The training will help them to develop a number of skills useful for jobs in administration, banks or accounts.

For further information please contact Cynthia Fletcher, Key Fund Manager on 01707 251351.

Please note that this Fund closes in December 2006, so all applications are encouraged as soon as possible.

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, Fundraising and Marketing Manager, Hertfordshire Community Foundation