I share the concerns of Ellie Clarke (letters page, The Comet March 15) over the serious loss of our heritage in Hitchin, which will soon include the demolition of Rose Cottage. To retain what is left of the character of the town should be the concern of

I share the concerns of Ellie Clarke (letters page, The Comet March 15) over the serious loss of our heritage in Hitchin, which will soon include the demolition of Rose Cottage.

To retain what is left of the character of the town should be the concern of any conservation officer of NHDC, while there are constraints on planning officers and councillors due to planning regulation, they do sometimes give in too easily to the demands of developers. They even approve modern designs which are out of keeping with our architectural heritage and become eyesores of the 21st century. It is again not in the interests of the community to allow NHDC to lease out to commercial interests, sell off or keep closed our public buildings which include our town hall, sports pavilions and toilets.

BRIAN J FOREMAN, Little Acre, Broadmead, Hitchin

* In respect of the demolition of Rose Cottage, it appears that councillors set themselves up as judge and jury and condemned this beautiful building to death, without any emotions, just a cold hearted decision.

Congratulations Cllr Thake, you are now the most disliked man in Hitchin. I wonder if he is grooming others to follow in his footsteps, and what is their incentive?