Instead of being completely against raves (Help us to stop illegal raves – plea from police, Comet April 13), maybe police and figures of authority should look into why raves are happening. Do you really think people are purposely making the events take p

Instead of being completely against raves (Help us to stop illegal raves - plea from police, Comet April 13), maybe police and figures of authority should look into why raves are happening.

Do you really think people are purposely making the events take place with the aim of disrupting people and causing damage? If you do, then it is obvious why this conflict takes place. The ravers spirit is always peace and harmony, the only reason why disruption happens is because the venues and facilities are not made available, or events like this aren't supported.

I'm not saying that raves should be government funded, but all it would take is a few simple arrangements and understandings between the event organisers and officials.

Raves taking place is an obvious cry out that there are people who realise we can actually enjoy life; enjoy each other, that we are allowed to be happy. To spend an evening of freedom and exploration is nothing but healthy for the soul. It helps us realise what is actually most important in this life; that is nothing but ourselves, those around us, the others that we share this planet with.

The pressure of 'the system', which has been created in this western world, is increasingly building greed and hatred. The need for external power and wealth over others in order to feel 'successful' is sickening. This is the time for spiritual growth within mankind. Events like this inspire the connections between people.

With the way the world is heading at the moment with regards to political decisions, it is no wonder why people need the escapism from this reality that has been created. The ignorance and hypocrisy of both the British and American governments is getting far out of hand. How they have brainwashed so many into believing that things have to be this way. It is so obvious and transparent that those in the positions, who actually have the ability to change the world for the better, abuse their power and choose not to in favour of their own wealth or reputation. It is so obvious and it is killing our planet. Those who attend raves are mostly people who are fed up with having no say in the way that the Government and conglomerates are getting out of control. Partying in this way is becoming part of the rebellion. It will not stop simply through policing and trying to stop it. These events will always continue in some form or another. The longer the partygoer and authorities conflict, the more damage will be caused, the more households will be disturbed. This can be prevented; believe it or not both sides can win. All it takes is communication, compromise. Things can actually work if we are willing to communicate. We are destined for misery if we stay ignorant of one another.


* I really do think that the police, are becoming more like the Government.

They want to interfere in every aspect of people's enjoyment. I am a 63-year-old male, raving is not my cup of tea, but if other persons want to rave let them. After all, what harm are they doing? They are enjoying the type of music that most people don't like, in a secluded place.

How many persons have died at unofficial raves as opposed to taking drugs in night clubs and other official places. It is time this Government and the law enforcers started doing the proper job they are employed to do. That is protecting life and property and put the real bad ones in court and jail. The types of people who attend these raves are law abiding citizens, with some time to spare - mostly young with energy to burn. So please police, lock up a few more burglars, thieves, people smugglers, rapists and muderers. Leave the decent citizens alone. Music is Life.

Toby Parke, Address supplied

* It's just a bunch of people trying to have a good time and make their own entertainment (like in the old days!). Stop wasting police resources and The Comet - stop being killjoys. The paper has not developed its ideas on raves since 1988. Shock, horror! People take drugs! They laugh and live in ways unsanctioned by the Government and conservative opinion! Somebody get them home on Saturday night in front of the TV. It's past your bedtime young man!