I have just read a report delivered to all customers (ie tenants and leaseholders etc) of the new arms-length management organisation (ALMO) which is now Stevenage Homes Ltd. The title of this report is Consultation on Vision and Strategic Objectives . T

I have just read a report delivered to all customers (ie tenants and leaseholders etc) of the new arms-length management organisation (ALMO) which is now Stevenage Homes Ltd.

The title of this report is 'Consultation on Vision and Strategic Objectives'.

The author of this report is Cathy Deplessis, chief executive of Stevenage Homes Ltd.

Has no-one informed Mrs /Miss/Ms Deplessis that SBC won a crystal monk award, approved by the Plain English Campaign.

The report talks of FOSTA/ hierarchy of objectives/ big picture issues/ SMART/ but not defining it in smart terms/ diversity/ strategy/ innovation/ balanced score card/ part of the day job/ tenant compact! Paragraph 3.5 states 'Objectives should be easy to understand and communicable to a wide range of audiences!'

I have lived in Stevenage for 40 years, nearly 20 of them for SBC housing department (now retired) and have never read a document containing so much gobbledegook and spin. I fear Cathy Deplessis is in the wrong job. She should be in 10 Downing Street!

The vast majority of tenants will drop this report straight into the bin (sorry, recycling box) without reading it.

Nancy Kelly, Address supplied