SIR – In response to the three letters from John McAdam, Bob and Stephen Nimmons regarding parade passed off peacefully, in The Comet on January 11. They say that anyone who criticises the Orange Institution is anti-British or an Irish Republican sympathi

SIR - In response to the three letters from John McAdam, Bob and Stephen Nimmons regarding parade passed off peacefully, in The Comet on January 11.

They say that anyone who criticises the Orange Institution is anti-British or an Irish Republican sympathiser. In my own case nothing could be further from the truth. I am an Ex-Royal Marine who served my country for many years. I am a Protestant who attends church weekly.

They say that Britain is a Protestant country? The modern Britain is a land of many faiths who are all equal in my eyes. They talk about the peaceful Apprentice Boys' march in Londonderry. Not likely. Every year it brings violence to the city of Derry as it antagonizes the majority of residents. I was born in Northern Ireland and spent my teenage years there. Back then I saw my Catholic friends being persecuted because of their religion. You only have to read Orange literature, magazines, etc. they are full of anti-Catholic stories. Not much Christian charity in those pages. The Apprentice Boys of Derry Parade which was held at Stotfold on December 16 has no historical relevance to mid Bedfordshire.

Thank God the troubles in the country of my birth are on the wane, as is the sectarian hatred, which I have seen first hand. Please let's not import it into out area, it has no place here.


Straw Plait Way
