SIR – I see you have printed several letters re the proposed development in Letchworth. It seems to me that Mr Kenny assumes it is what we in Letchworth want, but I do wonder where he gets this idea from. The odd comment from shoppers is no justification

SIR - I see you have printed several letters re the proposed development in Letchworth.

It seems to me that Mr Kenny assumes it is what we in Letchworth want, but I do wonder where he gets this idea from. The odd comment from shoppers is no justification for such a scheme. Could you somehow organise a phone-in poll to verify this? It looks to me that it is all going to be pushed through regardless of the views of the people. If our views matter, just how many letters against the plan will it take to persuade Mr Kenny that maybe it's not what people want.


SIR - Assuming that the people of Letchworth are less preoccupied than in the weeks before Christmas and the New Year, it is probably now appropriate to give consideration to the grandiose plans of Mr Kenny.

Firstly, before those concerned spend time and money on feasibility studies, etc., it may be appropriate that the people of Letchworth have the opportunity of a straightforward yes or no vote to determine whether it wants any of this sort of exploitive development at all.

It is presumed that neither the NHDC or the LGCHF would possibly object to letting the people decide this important single issue by a democratic vote.