SIR – The head of John Henry Newman calls the proposal to phase out free faith school transport discriminatory. Surely it is the current situation that is discriminatory. Why should children going to faith schools receive preferential treatment over thos

SIR - The head of John Henry Newman calls the proposal to phase out free faith school transport discriminatory. Surely it is the current situation that is discriminatory.

Why should children going to faith schools receive preferential treatment over those going to non-faith schools? Does he feel that non-faith schools are somehow inferior? Does he believe that Catholics who choose to send their children to non-faith schools on the basis of more logical criteria, such as academic excellence or locality, are failing their children somehow or even committing a sin?

If parents choose to send their child to a faith school instead of a perfectly adequate local, non-faith school, they are free to do so, but I strongly object to my taxes being used to fund their transport.