SIR – Ms Follett does not do her constituents much of a service by supporting Gordon Brown as the next ruler of England. Gordon Brown was elected to a Scottish constituency and has as much democratic accountability in England as an MP elected to a Latvian

SIR - Ms Follett does not do her constituents much of a service by supporting Gordon Brown as the next ruler of England. Gordon Brown was elected to a Scottish constituency and has as much democratic accountability in England as an MP elected to a Latvian constituency.

This is the man who has consistently ensured that his own country received much higher funding than England. He voted the top-up fees onto our students, while supporting free education for his own constituents. He refuses to allow extra funding so that our cancer patients can receive the same access to life saving drugs as his own constituents and worse of all, if he becomes Prime Minister, he will be able to use England as the guinea pig for any domestic policies that tickle his fancy, whilst safe in the knowledge that his own constituents in Scotland will not be affected and no-one in England can ever vote him out.

The Scottish Chancellor funds a war on Iraq to force democracy onto that country, but here in Britain, he has stolen it from us. The remedy is in Gordon's own hands. England must be given equal treatment to his own country. An English Parliament is a must.

Gordon Brown will never win an election in England and if the Labour Party elects him as our dictator, they are as morally bankrupt as he is.


Burdale Close,


East Yorkshire