After reading your article on pirate radio, I would like to add that I have been involved in pirate radio for over 10 years and would like to add that Ofcom like to use scaremonger tactics towards the public. Do you really think that if it endangered avia

After reading your article on pirate radio, I would like to add that I have been involved in pirate radio for over 10 years and would like to add that Ofcom like to use scaremonger tactics towards the public.

Do you really think that if it endangered aviation signals, that there would be any pirate radio on at all if it was that serious and putting lives at risk? I think it has only ever happened once and even then aviation authorities are able to switch to different frequencies. As for the emergency services are they all now not on the new TETRA system which is a completely different system altogether?

What this actually boils down to is revenue and the Government wanting to control what you hear on your radio and the big co-operatives which own all the radio stations' money. It has nothing to do with interference, drugs, guns or hassle.